- Judge Rankings
Based on User Ratings
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The following ranking of judges is based on the ratings given to judges by ShowDays Members.
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To rate judges, you must be a subscribing member of
Each member gets one vote (rating) for each judge, which can be modified. This judge ranking scale reflects a serious and knowledgable view of dog show judges.
We intend to make this feature more sophisticated in the future. Any suggestions on how to do that are welcome.
Please be very careful about judges with similar names.
If you are qualified to be a Judge Expert, please let us know, and become part of the judge expert panel (JEEP).
Not only are these rating intended as a service and contribution to other exhibitors, but this data is being used for an informal statistical evaluation of the overall quality of judging.
Please support this effort by rating as many judges as you are can with integrity.
 New! We encourage users to write more shared (public) judge notes. 
 So - You will now get an extra day added to your subscription for each Judge Critique you post. 

-- If a judge is not on this list, that means the judge has not yet received a rating. --   View the List of Judges with NO Ratings.
  Please email us a list of Breeder Judges in your breed, with their kennel names or websites. Free Month 
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