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Ms. Jan N Paulk [7477] Santa Fe, NM
Initial Breed: German Shepherd Dogs
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 with an average rating of: 3.2 
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 with an average rating of: 2.4 
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  4 - Good
  3 - Fair/Average
  2 - Below Expectations
  1 - Not Acceptable
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DateRtgDisplay NameBreed(s)
Jun 2, 2024RocklandChows
soft voice, seems to like sculpted coat, glitz, bling, does not understand breed structure/movement relationship.
Sep 26, 2023terryTerriers
Not afraid to put up deserving class dogs or puppies over dismal Champions.
Jul 4, 2023PEMOMPems
I used to have a lot of respect for this judge. My mentor, who has been breeding and showing dogs for many, many years showed my BSS dog to her in a small entry show. Coming from GSD she KNOWS herding is about movement. Hardly moved the dogs- only from 1st lineup to table. Then barely examined the dogs and rudely turned her back on the go around. When my friend misunderstood her mumbled directions, she loudly berated her. Oh, there were no handlers in the ring. Maybe that’s why she was confused. Sadly this “quality” of judging is what is killing the sport. DNS
Oct 20, 20221Anonymous Toy
I have given this judge several chances and is now a DNS. Consistently awards friends the points and wastes an exorbitant amount of time teaching everyone how to show their dogs. Very inconsistent in choices and very rough during her examinations A waste of money.
Mar 16, 20225smilyjoetoys
did a nice job with a small entry-do not understand why she did not give the male best of winners-he was deserving and my bitch did not get anyore points by going best of winners
Sep 23, 20211ASTRID S KOROPOULISWorking
Very rough on dogs, disrespectful to multiple exhibitors. Belittling comments directly to her exhibitors and admitted publicly that she was not judging the dog but the handlers. HORRIBLE experience, would not show to her again and I also would not recommend a new or sensitive person showing to this judge.
Nov 29, 20191LGDLgd
Got lost in the final line up then tried to give bob and bos to males... Next weekend spent too much time trying to find testicles on a bitch. And then tries to tell us she’s an Anatolian breeder.
Nov 4, 20195smilyjoetoys
very rude and rough with the dogs- i saw her push a shy sensitive dog to the point that it just fell apart and then she excused it for not being able to examine it- if you dont know the breed dont agree to judge it. this dog is probably ruined or will be for a long time
Aug 27, 20193AnonymousHoundsExpert!
I'm giving this judge two reviews in this one; First; In the classes, there was a Steward change, and was some confusion concerning calling the dogs back in for Reserve Winners. My friend was already in the ring with his dog waiting, and I took in his other dog for him. The Steward kept calling the number for the dog who had already won Winners. This judge came over and began chewing out my friend for not being ready at ringside, and having her wait on him. He tried to explain that number wasn't even his dog, but she wouldn't hear it and kept berating him. Then looked at me, pointed, and said, 'you'll be Reserve'. Needless to say, my friend was 'livid'. Second; Our dog went Winners. Then she put up a 9 month old puppy over 2 nice specials for BOB. After talking with other exhibitors, this seemed to be her behavior all weekend. Very, very strange woman.
Mar 7, 20192AnonNon Sporting
Loves the handlers, not sure what she was looking for in the dogs. Another disappointing judge.
Feb 23, 20191Anonymous Toy
I used to have a lot of respect for this judge but she has been very inconsistent in her choices. Not sure that she is judging dogs rather than the people showing them.
Dec 13, 20181AnonymousHerding Breed
Typically I will show to a judge a few times before he or she goes on my Do Not Show list but she has made it after the first time. She called the first class male into the ring and then made him and his handler wait several minutes while she read the breed standard. During the course of judging she would return several times to the steward's table to read the standard but seemed incapable of applying it to the dogs in the ring. A couple of times she would rearrange the dogs but in the end she would select the dog that least met the standard. The most important thing in our breed is correct movement and she missed this entirely.
Nov 12, 20182AnonymousDachshundExpert!
12/2019--Same comments, inconsistent and loves standard red. 11/12/18--Very nice but no clue what a good front is. Her picks were all over, not one thing was consistent when a handler was not in the ring.
May 26, 2018PEMOMPems
Good with puppies and gentle with all dogs. Gives clear instructions, though speaks very softly. Very pleasant to all exhibitors. Seems to like a good shoulder, but doesn't carry through w placing really good movers. Gave a class OH WB, OS, BBOH though it was one of the less deserving OH dogs. Poor mover, plain head, bouncy top line. I'm not sure what her rational was. Will show to her again because of her kind and respectful demeanor to both dogs and exhibitors.
Apr 17, 20185papillons
Love this judge. Always willing to use every opportunity to teach. Willing to give misbehaving or shy dogs a second chance.
Apr 15, 20173TatianaXolos
She is pleasant to show to and generally made good choices... However it is also true - she need to revise our breed standard a bit. She had a moments of her confusion. Would try to show her again with another breed.
Feb 27, 2017anonymousgolden ret
This judge considers a dropped lower two incisor, which is very common to my breed, to be a fault and told us. We still made ribbons, so not the most serious of faults, but you will not get first. I felt this judge was not looking at the handlers as much, though she didn't pick any of the breeder or owner handlers for the competitive classes (ambred, open, or BOB). For example in one class the judge moved two of the top golden handlers in the country out of the line up after the initial go around, she had those two go around together. She then moved the dog in first place to second. She picked a third dog from the line up, a not as well known pro handler. She had them go around, this dog had much better movement and the tail was straight back. The top pro handlers dog who had moved to the first place spot had a high curve, almost gay tail while it moved. She moved the dog with a straight back tail into first, had them go around with the rest of the class, and boom 1,2,3,4 in that order. So IMO if you have one of the pro handlers, and have a perfect dog you will get a fair shake against the other pro handlers.
Nov 21, 20164SportingSporting
I found showing to Ms Paulk an enjoyable experience. She will thoroughly check teeth on breeds that call for full dentition, I watched her wicket another breed (good for her!). She's definitely not afraid to make decisions that other judges don't dare, like putting up a breeder/owner/handler in a tough group or an excellent class dog for Breed over a top winning Special. If you have what she likes, she'll reward it regardless of who is on the lead.
Oct 11, 20162Lani MorrisMiniature American Shepherd
She just judged our National Specialty. She was very inconsistent. She measured my bitch and mine was the ONLY dog she measured all day. There were MANY over sized dogs and a few under sized dogs being shown and she actually used some of them. If she is going to be a stickler for size, she should have measured ALL dogs that were questionable, not just one. She lacked confidence in what she was doing and it showed. I found it bizarre that she kept quoting the standard to me in the ring, as if she was trying to prove that she had read it. Last time I will take a dog to her. I lost interest in her judging very quickly.
Aug 20, 20165Darlene BrabantToy Poodles
I think this judge did a wonderful job, Yes she give my boy the major, but I like her for what she seen going on in the ring POOR sportsman's ship others trying to upset my puppy dog, but it didn't work and he showed like the true champion he is and so is she. Thank You again Mrs. Paulk for shutting down these jack ass
Aug 20, 20165Darlene BrabantToy Poodles
Ok I am going to make this a in to two parts , I am hoping she likes what I have , both are puppies a bitch and a dog , the male needs a 5 points to finish he is 8 months the bitch is 6 months and 4 days she has gotten 1/W/OS 3 times. I think I have what she likes , I will return tomorrow
Jun 14, 20161Bob IsaacksL:abrador
A real "Tooth Fairy". Spent a lot of time with each dog, then CAREFULLY selected handlers for the points No more for me!
May 24, 20165AnonChinese crested
She is very nice. Takes time with every dog. Excellent with puppies or dogs that are shy on the table. I wouldn't have picked what she did for the classes, but I felt that she was fair. She seems to like more true hairless and shorter in the back.
May 17, 20164Elaine SummerhillvariousExpert!
Stewarded for Ms Paulk and found her courteous to all. I could follow most of her picks. She consults with her book of standards when she's checking on finer points of breed type. She looks for a good, strong front with clean movement in addition to type. She pays attention to size as specified by the standards. I was impressed with some of her choices and could easily see what she was looking for. She does not hesitate to put up class dogs over specials, regardless of who is on the lead.
Sep 22, 20155Deborah schenckpapillon
Really knows this breed. Will give advice if asked.
Sep 8, 20153Toy FancierVarious Toy BreedsExpert!
I have shown 4 times to this judge now. While a pleasant judge, who is thorough and fair, at least in my breed, I still am not sure what it is she is looking for. The entry for this particular show (a specialty) was down substantially, from other years. When exhibitors were asked why they did not enter, they all said the same thing....The Judge. When asked why again, they said...."to inconsistent". I will show to her again, but I would not go out of state specifically to show to her.
Oct 27, 20145AnonymousWorking
What a joy to show to. I watched her judge about 10 different breeds and thought she did a fabulous job with all of them. Never once looked up the lead
Jul 28, 20141Teresa BockHavanese
I found this judge to be very inconsistent with her picks. She made her final cuts for breed at our national and then had the steward read her the coat standard. She was more interested in the other end of the lead. I won't waste another entry fee on her.
Jul 28, 20144PAZHavanese
Mrs. Paulk judged the Havanese National this past week. She did a very lovely job. She was kind to all of the exhibitors and is fabulous with the puppies and adult entries. Could not have asked for a better experience. She is gentle, fun, yet had command of the ring. Would show to her in a heart beat. By the way, we did not win the big ones, but did make a nice showing.
Jul 8, 20144Owner handlerworking
2016 update - prediciable pics, but good judge for newbie dogs and handlers. Thoroughly enjoyed showing to Ms Paulk - it makes it fun and rewarding when the judge enjoys the assignment. Despite a long day in the heat, she kept her smile and charm and gave everyone a fair look. Placements were predictable, but were quality dogs...... she seems willing to take a chance on a young/new dog. Had a quick conversation with her the next day and it was a pleasant exchange. Update - will still give her an entry, but she has become a tooth fairy in breeds that just require bite and occlusion. Train for full mouth exam
Jul 4, 20143HoundawgToys & non-sporting
Very pleasant judge. Very talkative and obviously enjoyed her job. Am not sure what she was looking for as her placements varied in type. She did seem to like smaller dogs. In the breed ring she she looked at the professional handlers. She also talked a lot with them while examining their dogs.
Mar 4, 20145Teri UnderhillBoxers
This judge puts up what she likes and is not political. I am an owner handler and I have shown twice to this judge and won both times for 1 point and again for a 3 point major (against all other professional handlers). She typically does not like big dogs but will put up dogs that are correct square dogs with good movement. She is very consistent in what she likes. Excellent on communicating on what she wants handlers to do in the ring. Leave LOTS of space between you and the dog/handler in front of you especially when she is examing the dogs....wants handlers to leave plenty of space while she examines the dog. Excellent with dogs and puppies and very gentle with babies and less confident dogs. Very pleasant judge!!! I will always show to this judge!!
Feb 20, 20143Toy FancierItalian GreyhoundsExpert!
I have shown to her 3 times now, lost/won, but have not yet figured out what the specific is in my breed she is looking for. Everyone said she likes small. Ok, her BOW and BOB were small, but her BOS was the largest dog in the ring. So obviously that is not it. Some said she likes a clean topline. Ok, BOW and BOB had that, but BOS did not. Some said she likes a houndy head. Ok...BOS had that, but not BOW or BOB. I think, she more prefers a dog that shows decently, and is decently presented, as that is the only factor i can use as a common factor between the BOB/BOW/BOS. She is somewhat soft spoken, so listen carefully. Good with the dogs, efficient ring procedures. edited to add: I cannot say she was political 2 Pro handlers in the ring and her BOB was a BOH.
Jan 24, 20144WoodwyndDalmtians
WONDERFUL with the new puppies. Very gentle hands and manner. But slooooooooooow. Was almost 30 minutes behind in our block. Took almost an hour and a half to judge 22 dogs.
Jan 13, 20144DragonmystWorking & Herding
Very nice lady, gentle with the dogs and they are not at all put off by her. I will always show to her, she is pleasant and fair
Jan 9, 20144ChriMasoBoston TerriersExpert!
Entry was very large (50) - group specialty & BT designated specialty show. She was a WONDERFUL judge to show to. Pleasant, patient, clear instructions, good with puppies & novice handlers, had very gentle hands, forgave a little "puppiness", smiled, and was kind to all exhibitors. Additionally, she appeared to look at every dog (not handler) and watched them for the full go-around nearly every time. I believe she was looking at movement, expression, large & round eyes, and a solid front. She did NOT give the crossover points to the WD, but did explain why when asked. It was a very pleasant experience. Awards went to pro and owner handlers, pretty equally. P.S. NEVER stop "showing" while you are in the ring with her. My girl was not even in the running for SB or BOS, but she kept moving us time and time again and each time I kept showing my girl, she'd move us up one. By the 3rd or 4th time we went around, she put girl in the BOS spot and when we were taking pictures, she told me that she watches until the very end and that my girl kept getting better & better, so she had to award her. Sooooo, the moral to story is NEVER give up!
Aug 20, 2013Nikki CKCS
Very gentle with 4-6mo. pups and she really seemed to have fun with them, actually with all the dogs she judged that day. Gave each and every dog all her attention.
Aug 16, 20131AnnaToys, Poms
OMG..nice, BUT In Poms, if it has incorrect cotton coat and will probably go bald...she will put it up. She is just dreadful and has no idea what she is supposed to truly be looking at. When she tells the crowd that its just so cute how could it not win, UM HELLOOOOO.. no where does our breed standard say it should be CUTE! Seriously, with all the other comments saying she doesn't know her breed standards, can someone not enlighten her! Wont give her another entry. I guess the bald dogs will rule the breed for her.
Mar 31, 20133anonymousworking
this makes the second time I've shown to this judge & fine that she is not political in the ring, did a thorough exam including TEETH. I will show to her again. It's nice to have a judge, judge the dog and not look at the other end of the leash & she could have today- several professional handlers in the ring.
Jan 9, 20134MarilynBlack Russian Terrier
Very through in her exam. Asked handlers to show bite and to pull fall back for her to see eyes. Appeared to have an understanding of the standard. Very pleasant; good hands for puppies. Mixture of pro and amateur handlers. Did not appear political but judged the dogs. Would show to her again.
Oct 14, 20125anoncavaliers
was not political,judged the dogs
Oct 8, 20121Pam HulseyChinese CrestedsExpert!
She is very inconsistent and doesn't know any of the breed standards. I've shown to her a couple of times and she is consistently inconsistent and plays politics.
Aug 7, 20121AnonymousPapillonsExpert!
This judge relies heavily on politics in my breed and rewards her friends. When forced to judge dogs, she prefers Paps that are balanced, fine boned (even if too fine and appear weedy), and have perfect blazes. Does not always reward soundness or proper heads and expression.
May 22, 2012Iggie ObserverItalian Greyhounds
Don't waste your money. She doesn't know the standard. At Abilene (TX) Friday, looked at the standard four times during the judging. It was only 1-0-3-3. And then she picked the largest dog, with the handler. What was she looking in the standard for? Size? Gait? Dog or Bitch? Which handler to pick. NO CONFIDENCE!!!!
May 20, 20122anocorgi
Either she has no grasp of the dwarf breeds, or she is blatently biased toward her judge/exhibitor friends - dont know which, but picked very poor examples of the breed when she had some lovely choices
Nov 28, 20113anonymouspomeranian
Have shown to her a few times, but can't figure out what she is going for in particular, she's kind of a wild card. Seems to like color... sometimes. Likes cute... sometimes. Gave my puppy bitch breed over a nice, but very different type, male special, but when I showed her other dogs out of the same family later, they were largely ignored. So I'm not sure what the attraction was. Does seem to like puppies, and light or unusual colors, but can and does put up regular oranges. Usually picks a good overall dog at least, even if you can't discern what lead her to that conclusion since she ignored some similar dogs in the ring.
Nov 20, 2011anonworking breedExpert!
Was very patient and kind with the puppies and put up the WD appropriately. There were no class bitches. Would show to again esp puppies.
Aug 6, 20114anonymousGreat Dane
Did a great job today in the Dane ring. All of her winners were well deserving. Very soft hands on the puppies and made it fun for them. I WILL show to her again!!
Jul 18, 20101anonymouspapillons
lacks knowledge of the breed and nuances of type but is an expert in the politics of dog shows and plays that part of the game well - always interesting to watch her games in the ring, but I no longer waste entry money on her
Jul 8, 20102toy
Ms. Paulk is not very knowledgeable about standards of some of breeds she is judging.
May 25, 2010AnonymousPapillons
Very political and not that knowledgeable.
Feb 23, 20083Terry Rothellvarious Toy BreedsExpert!
I found that other than very confident upright front and head carriage she was pretty inconsistant in breed type, size and movement. She was very gentle and patient with the dogs and I would try her again.
Jan 17, 20081AnonToysExpert!
Jan Paulk is both political and rude in the ring!
Oct 31, 20071AnonymousGerman Shepherd
Does not know the breed (German Shepherd)
Oct 14, 20075karen matherpapillon
Of course this lady knows papillon's. My first time showing to her, gentle with dogs, hot day, nice to exhibitors.Took her time,not political, and fair. Picked the best dogs. Second time gained even more respect for her, I did not win, but consistent, and loved her picks. My dog did not perform well, and explained why she did not pick him, I really appreciated that.
Sep 3, 20073Carol DryMinPinsExpert!
This lady has knowledge of our breed, but after watching and showing to her a number of times, I still could NOT tell you what it is that she is looking for. She was all over the board and WD, WB and BOB were nothing close to being the same type. She is a very pleasant judge and great with puppies on the table, just cant tell you what she likes.
Aug 28, 20072Stephanie Schulteschihuahuas
Her judging has no rhyme or reason.I heard one exhibitor out side the ring say "she judges like a bird pecking at shiny objects"
Jun 21, 20075PrimeBluSilky Terrier
Good movement determines her final decision. Not afraid to go against the political choice. If you are looking to win and your dog does not move well, you will be disappointed with her decision.
May 20, 20074Anonymousjuniors

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