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Ms. Marie Ann Falconer [51642] ATHENS, TN
Initial Breed: Siberian Huskies
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 with an average rating of: 2.1 
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  4 - Good
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  2 - Below Expectations
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DateRtgDisplay NameBreed(s)
Feb 19, 2023545YearsShowingDogsSporting
Knows what she likes. Puts up good dogs with a nice outline.
May 10, 20225AnonSiberian Husky
She went above and beyond with a big group of 6-9 puppies at their first show. Gave them all ample opportunities to move and was willing to overlook puppy wiggles. Disregarded the handlers in the ring and put up dogs she really liked. Given the opportunity I would definitely bring my Sibes to her again.
Nov 14, 20211HeatherToy poodle
She will pick the wrong dog every time. If the dog obviously moves completely wrong for the breed that’s her choice. I will not waste my money or time showing to her or watching.
Apr 15, 20214DDSiberian Husky
She is not political in the classes. She has a type she favors, but she will put up dogs of other types. She understands correct movement in our breed more than most and does place appropriate emphasis on it. She likes to see good presentation. She likes dogs to be in good condition too. She likes more substance than a typical breeder judge. She is flexible on height-length ratios and angulation. She will put up smaller dogs. She will not hesitate to wicket a top-of-the-standard dog. Her pet peeves are lack of nose pigment, poor tailset, and flat croups. Don't bring her a dog obviously short on leg, a gangly puppy, or a poorly moving dog.
Feb 16, 20201GSDs
Save your money. She doesn't seem to know nor care about the standard. All show and not substance. Perhaps she would like to attend a judging seminar for the breed, I am sure someone could make that happen for her. DNS.
May 29, 20192Wendy Lee MargonBergamasco
I asked for a critique of my puppy. She showed her ignorance of the breed by stating she would expect to see my bitch’s flocks (she is 20 months) on a 9 month old puppy. Problem is flocks do not begin to form unit 11-12 months. She also stated she wanted to see more substance..on a lean breed, and puppy to boot.
Apr 1, 20191Anomworking
handler judge . she is very snooty and mean to owner handlers
Mar 29, 2019Benjamin OlivarezOES
Ms. Falconer was great with my young male. He had a bad experience at 9 months with a judge mid 2018. Ms Falconer noticed and was gentle but firm. At every opportunity she made my boy see her and her approach as as new positive experience in the ring. She new our breed hands on and in motion. Nice to show to a judge that knows an OES.
Nov 18, 20161EastwoodPWD
She is a provisional judge in the breed and very inconsistent and unfortunately does not know the breed. Sad that I wasted my money on this show with this judge.
Jun 8, 20142Dawn ThompsonBoxer
Very inconsistent in her picks. I wasnt able to tell what she was looking for as her choices were very different. She does take her time and give each entry a good look. She is also very kind and soft handed with puppies. I would not hesitate to take a puppy to her for a good experience.
Jul 3, 20121owner-handlerHerding
would agree with previous post that she puts on a good "show" looking over the dogs but doesnt seem to really know what she's doing when it comes time to choose. on my DNS list.
Apr 22, 2011anonymousworking
For all the time she takes slowly going over the dogs, she can't translate what her hands feel into the standard. Put up a stick straight front, extremely close rear, and doggy head in a breed that's supposed to have layback, angulation, and feminine heads in girls. Put up overly scissored special male over a correct (and amazing) bitch because of the handler. DNS
Jul 18, 20101DebiBelgian Sheepdog
Made my dog very nervous and he charged her. She stares at the dog too long. My dog loves everyone but this judge. DNS

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