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Mr. Kenneth A. Buxton [2576] Kingwood, TX Initial Breed: St. Bernards Judge (etc.) Rating System:   (instructions) This judge has been rated by 68 members
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Date | Rtg | Display Name | Breed(s) | |||||
Apr 4, 2023 | 4 | Dogster | ||||||
Have shown to multiple times and both won and lost under. Found his choices made sense depending on the entry line-up presented to him. Pleasant to show to and seemed to enjoy his judging assignments. | ||||||||
Oct 1, 2021 | 1 | Anom | Working | |||||
Terrible choices. Structure does not matter to him…. People were shaking their heads….really could not follow his choices other than the members of the kennel club that hired him ! One of the worse judges ever Clubs should not hire him ! | ||||||||
Jun 21, 2021 | Anon | Siberian Husky | ||||||
Gave our nice boy WD. We did have a handler, who presented our boy very well, and of course we felt he deserved to win. The judge was very pleasant, not heavy handed and not intimidating to the dogs. I’ll show to him again but would probably use my handler. He’s much friendlier and more fun to show to than his wife. | ||||||||
Apr 15, 2021 | 1 | anonymous | Working | |||||
not acceptable | ||||||||
Nov 6, 2017 | 2 | Lori Sargent | Sporting | Expert! | ||||
I showed 3 breeds to this judge and watched a few others. Its obvious he looks for 2 things - typeyness and a well-known face on the other end of the lead. Structure does not seem to matter to him. | ||||||||
Jul 4, 2016 | working | Std Schnauzers | ||||||
If your standard calls out that the dog be square & has good movement, show to this judge. | ||||||||
Feb 21, 2016 | Anonymous | Working | ||||||
Unless you have a known handler on the dog don't bother. His wife is the same way. Beautifully moving dog that was OH and put up a known handler's poorly moving, bad reared dog. On my DNS list | ||||||||
Nov 28, 2015 | 3 | Rockland | Rockland | |||||
He is quick in the ring, wants you to pay attention and the exhibit needs to be properly trained. He watches all the time, DO NOT relax if you have what he likes. | ||||||||
Nov 17, 2015 | 4 | Eskiemom | American Eskimo Dogs | |||||
I liked showing to Judge Buxton. Watching him judge before our ring time it was obvious he's a movement judge. He allowed my husband a moment to get our goofy 20 month old under control before the down and back. After that bobble, our class boy showed like a rock star and was rewarded with a 5 point major. He did pick the largest dog, going back to his St. Bernard roots?, for BOB. However my 8 year old special earned BOBOH and later went on to an OH Group 3 under a different judge. I'd show to Judge Buxton again. Judge Buxton was also very pleasant when my friend and competition for BOBOH asked why her class female that earned BOW wasn't automatically BOBOH. Judge Buxton and the ring steward patiently explained why my special was eligible. | ||||||||
Jul 4, 2015 | 3 | owner handler | working | |||||
pleasant & mostly competent - which is saying a lot these days. Political in that handlers have a better shot at wins, but didn t put up handlers with horrible dogs - which is again saying a lot. I'd try him again.........2016 update - appreciated his judging, was willing to use a natural import in a c/d breed | ||||||||
May 18, 2015 | 4 | Owner Handler | Great Danes | |||||
Small entry show but seemed fair to all in the ring. | ||||||||
May 10, 2015 | 4 | Elaine Summerhill | Expert! | |||||
I had the pleasure of stewarding for him when he judged Weims, Shelties, Pulik, Sibes, Porties, and Samoyeds. He has a lovely sense of humor. He does take his job seriously but it is evident that he really enjoys it. I really like him and would love to present my dogs to him one day. He doesn't hold handler errors against the dogs. I really liked all of his selections. Something that impressed me is that in addition to being kind to his entries, he continually consulted the book of standards that was in his ring. I really was most impressed by that. He gives everyone an equal shot at winning. He is consistent. | ||||||||
Feb 2, 2015 | 4 | Kass Goulding | flat-coated retriever | |||||
Mr. Buxton had a large quality of mostly excellent quality. I had a young class bitch, entered to gain ring experience. She was placed appropriately, and I got what I wanted from the entry. Watching his judging, he seemed very interested in movement, and all of his winners were very worthy examples of my breed (he did have other choices!). | ||||||||
Jul 10, 2014 | 1 | Anonymous | Boston Terrier | |||||
Hasn't got the foggiest idea about our breed, about as poor a judge as I has seen. Went right to the worst dogs and gave them the wins. His wife does a little better job. I said a LITTLE. | ||||||||
Jun 24, 2014 | 1 | Working | ||||||
Looked at the table more than the dogs in the ring. Completely turned his back on dogs going down and back. Shocking...and I watched this happen all day. He didn't care about anything...why is this man still judging? Looking at previous notes, this has been going on for awhile. Save your entry fee! What a waste of everyone's time! | ||||||||
May 8, 2013 | 3 | ChriMaso | Boston Terriers | Expert! | ||||
Mr. Buxton is all business and quiet efficient. Pleasant, but not overly friendly. He gave clear instructions and was soft spoken. The entry was small and there were no handlers in the ring today, so I can't really report on whether he favors handlers or not, but his picks were understandable. I had the 1 of 2 class bitches (BBE, puppy) who was a gorgeous stacked picture, but not really able to focus when moving as there were just too many distractions (first weekend out). I told him it was her first weekend and I was really just trying to make it fun for her. He smiled and was very gentle with her; other than that, he was quite serious and you could not tell who he was going to select until he gave the award. There was only one male and he gave him the crossover who did not get the crossover the day before. There were no bitch specials, so my girl got BOS and there were 4 dog specials and he did put up the nicest one. I can say that he looked at all of the dogs repeatedly and every chance he got, so if you're waiting... keep your dog stacked so when he looks, it's a nice picture for him. I will definitely show to him again and I hope next time there is a better entry | ||||||||
May 13, 2012 | Patty Harbison | Tollers | ||||||
Well, we lost today but I'm still satisfied. Picked a nice Open dog over my puppy, but appeared to be thoughtful about it, and remarked that he liked them both. No surprise that he would pick Open over Puppy. Well-known handler on my dog, teenage girl on the Open dog. | ||||||||
May 9, 2011 | Whitland | Flat Coated Retriever | ||||||
Thought he gave every dog a fair evaluation; seemed serious about his judging. | ||||||||
Mar 15, 2011 | 3 | Rockland | Chow | |||||
Behavior and Temperment are important, likes movement and head | ||||||||
Mar 1, 2011 | 1 | Sapphires | PWD | Expert! | ||||
There was a judge change and Mr. Buxton was the new judge. He didn't even watch the up and backs as he was talking with the ring steward. He didn't watch the dogs go around and one of the handlers noticed this and took two steps on the go round then walked his dog in a diagonal back across the ring so everyone could see that he wasn't watching. He chose the absolute worst dog in the ring and it was not a pro handler. He just didn't care. My trip cost me about 500.00 to get there and this was the type of judging I paid for? Not fair to exhibitors. Either start to care about what you are judging or quit judging. | ||||||||
Dec 10, 2010 | 4 | anonymous | french bulldogs | |||||
Found him very plesant to show to. Seemed to take his time and evaluate each dog. Even though my bitch did not take breed, I cant argue with his choice and would show to him again. | ||||||||
May 6, 2010 | ||||||||
I wouldn't bother showing anything under 12 months to him because they won't even get a look. | ||||||||
Mar 20, 2010 | 4 | ANON | Siberian Huskies | Expert! | ||||
Really all over the map when judging at a specialty. Some of his placements were ok, others were not at all. Really doesn't have a good understanding of the breed. | ||||||||
Oct 11, 2009 | 5 | Byluc collies | Collies | |||||
Was very pleasant & fair. Never lost his compsure dipite the sweltering tempertures at this outdoor show. Ran his ring very efficiently & was very good with the dogs. | ||||||||
May 25, 2009 | 1 | Adrienne Freyer | Komondor | Expert! | ||||
Extremely good with 3 young puppies. Very patient & tolerant. | ||||||||
Jan 22, 2008 | 1 | working dogs | ||||||
This is a 2014 update: We've shown to the Buxtons for years and thought they pretty much played the game but always came away feeling that in the classes our dogs were judged and had a good experience. This past weekend we watched Ken 'judge' breed after breed, never bothered to watch the dog around the ring spending more time looking at the judges table and outside the ring than at the dogs in his ring. This absolute indifference to those who paid for his opinion was an insult. If judging has become so distasteful it's time to quit. | ||||||||
Jan 17, 2008 | 4 | Alan | Keeshond | Expert! | ||||
Mr. Buxton is fair and kind to everyone in the ring. Someone that seems to care for the sport | ||||||||
Jun 27, 2007 | 4 | Woodwynd Dalmatians | Dals/Obedience | |||||
Pleasant, easy going and judging the bottom end of the lead. Did a respectable job with a large specialty entry. | ||||||||
Apr 19, 2007 | 5 | Kwala-t Chows | Chows & Poms | |||||
Have only shown chows to him and have found him to be fair and I've always known what type to show to him. | ||||||||
Jan 28, 2007 | 5 | Marauder Kennels | Rottweilers | |||||
prefers a bigger/substantial dog, provided it is sound. VERY good w/puppies. excellent to show to. | ||||||||
Jan 9, 2007 | 1 | Expert! | ||||||
Political. Looks for who is at the other end of the lead. Put up for the breed a prominent handler and apologized to the other prominent handler as he gave him BOS. What is that? Made a mockery of our National Specialty. All women who knew him wore low cut blouses with cleavage showing. | ||||||||
Jan 4, 2007 | Dawn Thompson | |||||||
Has put up natural eared Danes. |
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