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Dr. Robert D. Smith [2112] ST STEPHENS CHURCH, VA
Initial Breed: GSD, Am Foxhounds
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 with an average rating of: 2.9 
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DateRtgDisplay NameBreed(s)
Apr 21, 20181Standard SchnazuersStandard Schnauzers
I will not show a young dog to this man again, by the time we were out of the ring, she was shaking, shying away and would not let him touch her. Think that the reason she was frightened is that he has one arm and crouched over & sorta under her with his good arm. The day before she was okay.
Jul 24, 20171AnonymousMin Pin
I will not show to this judge again as he repeatedly grabbed my puppies feet so the puppy was jumping all over the table. Did it to several min pins and finally one snapped at him and he excused the bitch. He is very heavy handed and approaches dog from both sides, resulting in a lot of very nervous dogs. He did a good job judging but his table manners need to be greatly improved.
Sep 5, 20164Toy FancierVariousExpert!
observed this judge for 2 days thro multiple breeds. not knowing all breed standards I cannot say with expert opinion what was his choice basis in some breeds. IMO he did pick what I would have picked in many cases. He seemed tolerant of dog I would have excuses for borderline vicious behavior. He put up just as many OH as he did Pro's. But...he has little patience with handlers of any sort. Be there, BE punctual, be on time, be ready to go in the ring. IF you have multiple dogs, definitely have a good plan in advance. When he says something DO IT...or he will yell. IMO sometimes his yelling was merited, and sometimes it was not. People were endeavoring to hurry. He was friendly as much as he was terse. he made considered choices, and in some cases moved dogs again to confirm his choice.
Aug 12, 2016118-Year Breeder ExhibitorParson Russell Terrier
Besides favoring professional handlers over owner-handlers, Dr. Smith has one arm and cannot properly span our breed. Our breed standard states, “This is a significant factor and a critical part of the judging process. The dog cannot be correctly judged without this procedure.” The procedure is to measure the chest from behind, raising only the front feet from the ground and spanning the chest behind the elbows with BOTH hands. Thumbs should meet at the spine and fingers should meet under the chest, and the chest should be compressible. With one arm, Dr. Smith cannot do this properly. Instead, he grabs the terrier on the table and pulls it to his side and attempts to squeeze the chest of the dog against his side with his one hand, which typically just scares the dog because this is not proper procedure terriers are used to at shows. It is impossible to properly span the dog in this manner. Without spanning the dogs for size and compressibility, the judge cannot make a good decision. At a show last month, for BOB he overlooked the #1 dog with an ideal chest being shown by his owner-handler (not me), in favor of another dog being shown by his professional/owner handler, who has a much bigger and uncompressible chest (according to expert judges at other shows).
Jul 16, 20163anonymousmultiple
Watched this judge with several working breeds today. I had nothing entered. I thought he did a good job picking his placements and winners and was consistent. I would not show to him with a soft dog, however. He sharply corrected one dog who was fussing, shook his hand with annoyance when he got drool on it (it's dogs--it happens), and I think he may have been somewhat heavy-handed. I definitely would only bring him a rock solid dog.
Jun 12, 20161O/HWorking
Watched him judge working breeds in Ohio and I could not figure out what he was looking for. I don't expect to agree with a judges pick, but I can usually figure out what they're looking for. He was all over the board and seriously seemed to pick the worst overall dog. So, I was glad when I didn't win under him as that meant my dog had quality. Sounds terrible to say, but I did go into the ring having mixed feelings about winning. I mean, we all want the points, but in this case, NOT winning meant more to me. He's rude and acts like he hates what he does. He doesn't give clear instructions. DNS.
Apr 17, 20163Tatianamin schnauzers
Have a mixed feeling about this Judge... After reading all recent comments I expected to see rather harsh person. Instead I found out him to be very observatory, given good examination to each and every dog. AMHO he was looking for head type way more then for good movement. His choices in dogs made total sense to me, but not so much in bitches. I had BBE and BOB class bitches and was one of two owner/handlers in our breed. Neither of us two won anything in classes, but my girl got Select in BOB. I would give him another try and see what happens. Update. Another show, very hot day, we all are outdoors. Mr. Smith is a trooper and doesn't change his ring procedure regardless of heat. Every dog getting fair amount of time and hands- one exam. Looks to me he really looking for overall balance and care less about excessive grooming in a terrier group. Pretty patient. Talks not very loud, so you have to pay attention and listen. Likes to see dogs moving on triangle pattern.I had two BBE and both did well.
Mar 14, 20161anonKeeshond
Acerbic, rude and generally unpleasant to show to. I really believes he neither likes our breed or our exhibitors. I have never had such a dressing down in a ring as by him
Jul 26, 20152anonymousworking
very disappointed. This judge made a big point of telling owner handlers to put away their bait, even raising his hand as if to push your hand away. And yet, put up professional handlers who were very obviously using bait and he did not tell them to stop. Why is he treating owner handlers differently? Then of course, he puts up the pro handlers.
Jun 29, 20151anonRhodesian Ridgeback
TERRIBLE judge! Dr Smith does NOT know the Breed Standard! He thinks that RRs are like American Fox Hounds and he is very wrong! If your RR looks like an American Foxhound, give him an entry. If your RR looks like a Sighthound, run the other way! Dr Smith will never get another entry from me.
Jan 13, 20143DragonmystSiberian Husky
Sped through the exam, scared the crap out of my client dog. So much so that in the final line up the dog shied away from him as he walked down the line. Was crabby during the whole judging pattern. Was pleasant when we took the picture though! I guess he was ready to be done LOL
Sep 14, 20131anonCorgis - Pem
not sure what he was judging in jackson, ms, but he obviously needs to take a refresher course in this breed
Sep 11, 20134Sherry ShivleyWorking
He is acerbic, but knows his dogs. He likes movement, and will wait for you to settle your dog. He does not chitchat, he does his job and moves on. He gave my boy BOB which surprised us all, for being a grumpy guy he does know his dogs.
Aug 22, 20135Patty HarbisonLakeland terriers
"Anonymous" complained about his behavior at the Southhaven MS show on 8/17/2013.... He wasn't even there! Perhaps Anonymous meant another Dr. Smith.
Aug 20, 20131AnonymousTerriers
This judge was extremely rude to a young (9 years old) inexperienced handler, snapping at her when she didn't understand his instructions and nearly causing her to cry. He was equally rude to the experienced handlers in the class. Was short and cursory in his examination of the dogs and acted as if he really would rather be somewhere else. I will avoid showing to him.
Aug 19, 20131Anon
Southaven MS show on 8/17/13 - Mr. Smith was told by the exhibitor that the bitch was fresh in heat and he said thank you, stepped away looking at the bitch, upon returning said "thanks for your entry, anyways". Then things got weirder as he judged the rest of the class when he got confused what he was judging and awarded a 12-18 class bitch winner's bitch before had judged all the bitch classes. He then proceeded to re-examine everyone in the ring and not recognize his original "winner's bitch" with even a reserve WB.
Jul 29, 20131Janene BoriniGreat Dane
showed a wet mouth bitch to him recently and he had a fit that he got slobber on his hand. I had wiped her mouth before he checked her bite and apologized for the wet mouth , he had such a tone in his voice that my bitch thought she had been scolded. He proceeded to go to the steward and wipe his hand on a towel and return to finish the exam. At this point my bitch thought the judge from hell was going over her and she wanted no part of him. I will not show this bitch to him again. He was very crabby in the ring all the times I watched him judge on this day.
Jul 1, 20133smilyjoetoys
i agreed with his picks-have shown to him before-he is definitely grumpy
Mar 31, 20132Adrienne FreyerVizslaExpert!
Hmmm, Have to agree this man is past his judging prime. Very grumpy even early on this day. I can completely understand why AKC has retired this judge up until his current assignments. Should have retired at least a year earlier.
Mar 18, 20135anonymous
I've always loved his judging and my dogs have done well under him. Sadly, he has had a few episodes of unacceptable behavior lately. He HIT A PUPPY in the ring a couple of months ago. Multiple witnesses. I expect he'll be "retiring" very soon. In the meantime, I would not take him a green or rambunctious puppy.
Nov 25, 20121SportingExpert!
Put a mediocre class bitch over Group winning special. Wildly inconsistent in judging from one time to the next. He would seem to know a good dog in talking to him, but does not follow through in his judging. Does have nice quiet hands.
Jul 30, 20122Karen DeweyPugExpert!
Dr. Smith placed 1st in an open class a dog that was limping and as he handed the ribbon to the exhibitor he said "you may want to have those outside the ring watch your dog move, there is something wrong." This was the smallest dog in the ring but clearly was unable to move correctly.
Apr 29, 20125Tracy BurdickPapillonsExpert!
I normally see him rewarding sound structure, good movement. He will put up larger dogs and as well as heavier bone if it's the best mover with good breed type. He is gentle with the toy dogs and requires the handler to show him the bite.
Jan 4, 2012AnonymousDoberman
Watched him judge at a show with a large entry and he made consistent picks. I have to hand it to him on a totally different note though... Rather than rushing through... he was VERY patient with an open entry that was skiddish at the exam. (Not a threat in anyway) Something in another ring just had the dogs attention and she was very uncooperative. Dr. Smith simply had the handler turn the dog in the other direction for the exam and quickly went over her and moved on. Kudos for a situation handled well!
Sep 2, 20114ZirkCrworking
Have shown to this judge in both Can and the US. I do not believe he is political, gave my bitch the breed when she was 15 months old, over specials (males and females), and found her again as a special a a year later (and in a different country) to award her Select. Very consistent in his picks, knows a good dog, likes pretty, good movers, with good structure. Would show to this judge anytime.
Jul 1, 20115Patty HarbisonLakeland Terriers
Seems to like pretty, typey bitches. Also, not afraid to use a young/immature exhibit over the big names.
Jan 28, 20115Danre's YorkiesYorkshire Terrier
Appreciates good movement and correct breed type. Not political at all gave my Yorkie male special a Group 2 in a nice toy group with me a novice owner handler at the time.
Nov 30, 2010anonymoussmooth fox terrier
Knows what he wants to put up. Likes movement and type. did give me a major with my dog
Nov 14, 2010RonChessies
He gave Winners Dog and Best of Winners to the Show Chairman (Sandy Morris), over two other far superior dogs! It was tacky enough that the Show Chairmen exhibited at this show because she should know better, but it just goes to show that this judge can be "bought" for the right price. The Show Chairmen (Sandy Morris) hired this judge, signed his paycheck, and in turn he gave her the points!
Oct 23, 20104Doesn't MatterFrench Bulldogs
Good judge. Knows what he wants. BOB was one of the best frenchies in US. Seemed to be big on head and bone
Oct 20, 20105Deb M.Vizsla
I thought he gave a very thourough and equal exam to all entries no matter who was on the other end, Very pleasant to deal with
Aug 28, 20103RocklandChows
Likes well behaved exhibits, did not put up with shying away from being examined or showing the bite.
Jul 25, 20103anonworking
gave everyone a good look, BOB was lacking in type - but flashy, BOS b/o/h young special, no pros in his top 3. Would try again even tho I didnt agree with BOB. Excused an exhibit that was threatening during exam - KUDOS for not allowing such behavior.
Oct 27, 20093Von Wolff Dachshunds
Since I knew ahead of time to show bite and move to the dogs head so he could feel the inside with his good hand, it went smoothly for my dog and bitch. He didn't pick us but gave the entries a good look. He put up a 1yr old girl I bred a year ago for WB/BOS, and a Blk/Tan SL puppy dog for WD/BOW. SL red special went BOB. I'll try Dr Smith again and watch my dogs movement more!
Aug 29, 20093AnonymousGreat Dane
Will put up color and owner-handlers. Likes a sound mover and type. Kind to show to. May lean towards 'the bigger the better' - not clear what he was going for on some of his recent picks.
Apr 13, 20094PAZHavanese
My entry did not win the points at KC of Salinas, but he appeared to give every entry a fair shot. He did put up handlers, but in this case, the BOB is a great example of the breed. He was gentle with puppies as well.
Very Very political...Doesn't even look at dogs not shown by well known handlers. Sped through dogs hardly looking at them and turning away when dogs were moving around the ring
Nov 29, 20084Bridgeside colliesCollies
He was a joy to show to. Gave all dogs consideration and spent time looking them over. He liked movement.
Nov 2, 2008WhitlandFlat Coated Retriever
Dr. Smith judged a large entry in my breed with a number of specials (none of them mine) handled by both owners and professionals. None was perfect, but he gave the breed to the absolutely worst choice, a bitch with no breed type at all, but with a big name pro handler - any other choice would have been better. Very disappointing: it was embarrassing to see that dog represent our breed in the group ring. His wife did the same thing the same weekend. I would not show to either of them again.
Jul 25, 20085AnonymousWire & Smooth Fox Terriers
Shoulder & side movement. HATES gay tails on a terrier.
Feb 20, 20085Carol DryMiniature PinscherExpert!
This judge is one of my favorites to show to. He seems to love judging and is friendly with out being "chatty". Looks at the dogs and not the end of the lead. In my breed, he likes sound with nice lift and break and GOOD ATTITUDE!! Great judge...fair and easy to show to.
Dec 8, 20075CelebrateGoldens, Sussex
This is a very nice and knowlegeable gentleman who knows his dogs. He puts up the dogs that he likes and really doesn't seem to look at the end of the lead. Very polite with a nice sense of humor. Even when we don't win we like to show to him.
Oct 21, 20071Mary C. LamphierSettersExpert!
Old fashioned gentleman and dog man. Kind and patient with young dogs and/or juniors. Knows his dogs.
Jul 14, 20074Woodwynd Dalmatiansall
Be prepared to show your own bite as he has lost an arm to cancer. Polite and courteous to all exhibitors. Cares about what's at the bottom of the lead, more than at the top.
Jul 4, 20075CelebrateGSP, Goldens
I also found him to be patient and knowledgeable. Seems to like good movement. I like him much better than his wife.
Jun 18, 20074DM GreyhoundsGreyhoundsExpert!
Dr. Smith is patient & knowledgeable. He looks at the whole picture and likes balance and good movement. Doesn't care who is showing the dog. Will put up Juniors with a good dog, even in the Group ring.
Mar 1, 2007anonymousHavanese
I found Dr. Smith to be a patient and knowledgable judge. Gave my girl lots of time to try to settle, but in the end, it just wasn't her day! Would show to him again anytime.

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