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Mr. Clay Coady [17439] Paradise Valley, AZ
Initial Breed: Samoyeds
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This judge has been rated by 34 members
 with an average rating of: 2.7 
including 3 Judge Experts
 with an average rating of:
  5 - Excellent
  4 - Good
  3 - Fair/Average
  2 - Below Expectations
  1 - Not Acceptable
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DateRtgDisplay NameBreed(s)
Oct 11, 2021anonymousterriers
Put up the biggest, coarsest dogs in the ring, with a special emphasis on big-name male handlers. Ignored a dog who'd gone BIS the day before.
Aug 23, 20171DSBmomSporting, Non-Sporting
Seemed off his game & confused. I was surprised that he actually examined the dog's mouths himself in this day and age of the flu epidemic & guidelines from AKC. He watched each dog carefully and was gentle on examination. Placements completely confusing, told select dog she should have won & then gave our dog (male) select bitch.
Aug 16, 20173MJ SalmonBoxer
I didn't enter under him in OKC as I expected him to be a handler judge. He surprised me and picked a really nice puppy from a large line up shown by Owner Handler.
Jul 7, 20173Robin GatesMultiple
He knows what he likes and in my breeds judges dogs. He is thorough and likes to see excellent movement. He also likes to see great expressions and a show dog attitude.
Feb 8, 20161Eastwoodworking
I know he is a ex-handler but he is not very good in the ring. I do not know what he is looking at but he does not know the standard. He is a handler judge and does not look at the dog or movement. I will not show to him again. A big disappointment and waste of money.
Feb 7, 2016anonymousPWD
handler, handler, handler and especially his favorite handlers. I will not show to this man again. Doesn't truly know the correct conformation of a PWD.
Jul 20, 20154O/HWorking
Will put up standard sized good moving
Oct 18, 20145lstantonSporting
Very through in his review. A movement judge. In our rare breed knows the standard and rewarded it consistently. Picks correct structure and movement over large dogs.
Jul 3, 20145Korppret Std SchnauzersStd schnauzers
This makes the second time I've shown to this judge & seems not to care who is on the other end of the lead & am an OH. I was pleased with the way he judged, looks for movement. Gentle with puppies & instructed some of the newbeies on how to handle their puppies.
Jun 2, 20145Kim GremesStandard Schnauzer
Runs an efficient ring. Very pleasent judge to show to. Puts up what he wants no matter who is at the end of the lead. Not heavy handed but does expect the dogs to behave in the ring.
Mar 11, 20141redstaffTerriers
He didn't seem interested in what he was doing, rushed thru and placed the expected ones. I overheard him tell the handler of one dog he gave BOB to "thanks for bringing him - I love this dog" The dog is overweight, fiddle fronted, hammock topline. I did not see what he was seeing. UPDATE* He was rude and pompous to a visiting judge whose family has been in the breed for generations. We are done with this guy.
May 28, 20132SportingExpert!
Sent a lame dog to BIS, where it was properly ignored. Prefers a terrier front in every breed when he is looking at the dog.
May 19, 2013anonymousWorking
Have shown to this judge several times. Doesn't seem to completely know the breed and correct type. There were several correct breed types to choose from. Seems to play politics.. I have given him enough tries. On my DNSL
May 20, 20123jjokTerrier Group
He is hard to read when he is judging. In the Terrier group he did minimal if any exams. Although he had judged all of the Terriers that day he should have at least faked some type of exam. Not sure I will show to him again.
Mar 25, 20121confettiChihuahuas
At one time I was a fan of this judge but after watching him judge this past weekend I am no longer. Dumped the number one long and the number 2 smooth in what I can only assume was for shock value. Did the same tyoe of nonsense in other breeds. Very disppointed in him. 6-26-14. Gave Mr Cody another entry and was again amazed at his flagrantly political decisions. Think twice about wasting your money unless you plan on hiring a handler.
Feb 29, 20121elsokuvaszkuvasz
probably CAN judge DOGs, but so rarely does he's decidedly on my DNS list
Oct 27, 20113Portuguese Water DogsExpert!
Knows how to judge the breed and can but depending on his mood, will play the handler game. You never know if he will play fair or favorites.
Aug 1, 20114ZirkCrRottweilers
Found this judge to have great ring presence. Gave my bitch RW. While I think he bowed to the handler presence in the ring, I would consider showing to this judge again.
Oct 19, 2010Crystal StockBoxers
Great Judge! Very patient with puppies and really looks for a good moving well balanced dog. Awarded my puppy dog BOW and even was considering him for breed over a well known special and handler. Will definitely show to again
Oct 14, 20102annonworking
showed to him earlier this year, I think he "wants" to understand my breed better as we had an after judging conversation to discuss this low number breed. He correctly identified the virtues of my special, but yet awarded BOB to another lacking in faults but possessing little virtue. I'll give him another chance.......... but only one - Okay, He had his next chance, will be on my DNS list from now on, ignored a very nice class dog (uncropped) in favor of a much lessor quality c/d exhibit. Crossed over major when it wasnt warranted, has his favorite handlers and rewards them regardless of their exhibit
Sep 7, 20094Adrienne FreyerKomondorExpert!
This judge was very patient with puppies. He gave you plenty of time to set up your dog or even re-stack if needed. No rushing.

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