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Mr. Norman L. Patton [1704] Mesa, AZ
Initial Breed: Shih Tzu
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 with an average rating of: 2.6 
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 with an average rating of: 2.2 
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  4 - Good
  3 - Fair/Average
  2 - Below Expectations
  1 - Not Acceptable
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DateRtgDisplay NameBreed(s)
Sep 25, 20165AnonymousHavanese
I almost didn't show under this judge, because of all the bad comments. In my experience, he wasn't looking at the other end of the lead. I think in my breed he likes what he likes. I think he likes our breed to be on the smaller end. He put my girl up for breed from classes with a couple specials, and one very famous handler. It was my first ever breed win. I have also seen him put another owner handler BOB over well known handlers before.
Jun 28, 20161Darlene BrabantToy Poodles
I have shown under him many times and have always like him such a nice man , but the last few years he is picking dogs that he knows the handlers and not the dog . They get talking and laughing and he forgets about looking and the dog , He picks the person on the end of the lead the one he had the talk and the laugh with , I think its time from him the take his judging hat off
Sep 14, 20152TKterriers, schnauzers
I'm not sure he is terrier judge. Period. Not looking for type, or movement, or temperament ... picking up something "cute". I really do not know what also to say about his choices criteria...Beside of that - nice person.
May 7, 20151Darlene BrabantToy Poodled
Mr. Patton knows what he likes , he likes a pretty head with no back skull, nice moving and carriage . Good Temperament.
Mar 8, 2015anonymoustoys
Clearly political. At least PRETEND to judge and watch the dogs when they are gaiting! On the "back" part of the down and back with my champion, he was watching a handler set up the next champion on the table. Also looks around outside the ring a lot. I'd like my $30 worth of attention to MY dog, please! Unacceptable.
Mar 5, 20151working
Agree with the previous posts, very political, don't waste your money unless you hire a top handler. Also seems that he's loosing it a bit, forgetting some ring procedures.
Mar 10, 20131AnonymousGreat Dane
Would NEVER give this guy an entry! Didnt even have a dog entered, Thank God! Unless you are a professional handler dont waste your time & money!
Jun 9, 20121anonall breed
Agree with previous posters. Definitely looks up the lead and will not show to again.
Feb 13, 2012CavalierCavaliers
I showed to this judge several years ago and was sorely disappointed. Thought since this was his breed he would take care in his selections, but was disappointed in his picks. Definitely looks at the wrong end of the lead for friends and male handlers. It was so blatant that I will not show to him again.
Feb 5, 20123Kass Gouldingflat-coated retriever
Mr Patton did a decent job the one time I've shown to him. His class winners were of good quality, however, he went with the "big winner" for the breed, overlooking typier individuals with better movement. Overall, I would show a sound, typey class dog to him again.
Dec 11, 20111anonymoussporting dogsExpert!
Likes Sporting dogs to look like Toy dogs with straight shoulders and gay tails. Does not realize that when the front legs are set forward on a sporting dog they lack proper efficient movement which is called for in ALL sporting breeds. On my DNS list!
Nov 14, 2011AnonymousPomeranians
Likes small and cute when judging dogs, when judging faces anything goes. Once put up a huge, plain, very coarse pom with a big face handler on it for a 5 pt major, then gave RWD (out of an entry of 10-12 males) to my small, typey cute dog. wth? Then in bitches almost gave the same handler a 5 pt major for WB but the bitch wouldn't walk at all, so merely got RWB out of the large entry of girls. Have won under him without "Big" faces present.
Nov 8, 20111RocklandChow
His current and past performance as demonstrated by continious selection of poor exhibits becuase they have the correct face on teh other end of the leash should make you think twice before making an entry with him as teh judge.
Jul 4, 20111Adrienne FreyerVizslaExpert!
Put up a small slight green-eyed class dog for breed & a larger courser bitch for BOS. What Vizsla standard is he reading? Definitely on my DNS list.
Jan 17, 20111anonTerriers
He had a very large entry on the Florida circuit and had several nice exhibits to choose from. Instead he went with the most unsound, unhealthy looking, unkempt, incorrect, oversized, out of shape dogs with the handlers he knew. A total joke! An embarrassment to the sport. He needs to get out of the ring! *UPDATE* a year later and only worse! We will never give him an entry. He is judging an upcoming 4 day Specialty weekend - we will be only encouraging entries the other 3 days. He doesnt even try to know or judge the breed. So sad. He has been given every opportunity, education materials, offers for mentorship - nothing accepted. Just a shame.
Dec 13, 2010Golden Retriever
I find he is very consistent with what he likes in goldens, from what I can see most of the goldens he has put up in the past and now are similar in type. I think he honestly goes with what he likes.
Jun 29, 20101Mary C. LamphierIrish SettersExpert!
This judge failed to use a consistent pattern from class to class. He gave some dogs no opportunity to go around the ring at all. His criterion for judging was impossible to ascertain. For 30 dollars, one would expect at least the appearance of judging. DNS
Jun 20, 20092just meCKCSC
It seems since his stroke a few years back, that he can't keep his eyes in the ring, much less on the dogs. Lately, it seems that no one has been able to tell what he is looking for.
May 10, 20091
Mr. Patton seemed uninterested in judging dogs. He stared at the handler's faces on the go around, not even glancing down at the dogs. On the down and back, often his gaze was outside the ring. He seemed to award people he knew, handlers and well-known breeder-handlers almost exclusively when given a choice to do so.
Apr 27, 20091AnonymousPointing breedExpert!
Mr. Patton is now on my DNS list. I don't know what standard Mr. Patton was thinking of when he was judging last weekend but it sure wasn't ours! He seems to have a problem with certain colors that are perfectly acceptable by the standard. He even put up a very shy puppy over a beautiful puppy, presumably because of the nice puppy's color. I couldn't figure out any other reason why he did this. I'm convinced he doesn't know the breed standard at all because the dogs he chose certainly did not fit it!
Jan 4, 20091ThomasItalian Greyhound
As stated by another exhibitor, Mr. Patton, a former handler, was watching what was going on OUTSIDE of the ring while the judging was supposed to be taking place. He seemed bored about being there. He placed all the handlers.I will never enter under him again.
Nov 3, 20081PattieHavanese
He did not even watch my entry (and other entries as well) on the go round. He was watching the views outside the ring. He appeared to have his choice made well before we antered the ring. On my DNS list.
Oct 4, 20083AnonymousDachshund
Went with the flashy, showy coated dogs.
Sep 21, 20081anyone!ANY
He has NO CLUE what the Standard calls for! Nor does he care. He never once looked at any entries except professional handlers. If he didnt know you - you werent even in his ring! He turned to the next dog in line immediately after a cursory exam, never once watching the dogs move. He even pointed to his winners without looking. He lost at least 6 breeder/owner/handlers for future entries today!
Sep 11, 20081anonymous
Seems to have a definite preference for sable papillon's, likes a pretty head, good, but I wish he would overlook color preference.
Jun 2, 2008Tracy BurdickPapillonExpert!
Prefers smaller dogs and pretty heads.
Mar 9, 20082anonymousmaltese
Put a a dog with incorrect coat and uneven topline in my breed. Watched him give BOB to class dog in Havanese when there were some nice specials. Don't know what he wants.
Feb 29, 2008Ardenvale BoxersBoxers
Appeared very political.
Feb 23, 20083Carol DryMiniature PinscherExpert!
I agree that MR Patton likes front movement, but also think he wants a very sound dog. Is very good with the dogs on the table. I think he prefers the smaller side of the standard. and Pretty doesnt hurt either. He doesnt seem to enjoy what he is doing these days
Oct 28, 20074Lynn KnappMiniature PinscherExpert!
Likes lots of front action & lots of attitude. Will not use a dog of any color other then Red.
Aug 23, 20075WOW Pomz & Pinzvarious Toy BreedsExpert!
He likes a well groomed and professionally presented dog. He was lots of attitude (can almost border on naughty) to top off a typey sound movng dog. I would say he prefers small/mid range of ideal size per std. Has always insisted he doesn't use puppies but I haven't found that the case. I always enjoy showing to him.
Jul 30, 2007Irish Setter
Put up my very refined, petite, pretty moving bitch from BBE. I am an unknown and while I have been showing for a long time, am not a super talented handler. Consider him very fair.
Jun 14, 20074anonymousBulldog
Showed to Mr Patton in Group with a class dog and took Group 2 (owner handled). Likes a nice typey standard dog.
May 24, 2007Anon.Cavaliers
His own breed is cavaliers, although I believe he also bred Shelties in the past. Very knowledgeable but has a reputation for liking smaller dogs. I had heard he was extremely political, but I watched him put up a young, owner-handled pup recently for WD.
Jan 3, 20074Simply SussexSussex Spaniel
Fairly knowledgeable of the breed. May lean heavily towards handler-shown dogs

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