Judge's Background & History

Bruce R. Schwartz
Home: Los Angeles, CA
Initial Breed: Miniature Schnauzers

Bruce Schwartz began exhibiting Miniature Schnauzers in 1966. But it is as a breeder-exhibitor of Welsh Terriers that Mr. Schwartz is best known. His Ch. Anasazi Billy the Kid was the top-winning Welsh of all time and was the winner of 100 all-breed Best in Shows.

In total, Bruhil dogs have won nearly 150 all-breed Best in Shows, numerous national and regional specialties and Terrier Group shows. Two of the greatest Bruhil wins were BIS at the Montgomery County Kennel Club and the 100th-anniversary show of the Welsh Terrier Club of America, where the entry exceeded 100.

An AKC judge since 1984, Mr. Schwartz is approved to judge all Terriers and 10 Working breeds. He has judged at national specialties, the World Show and Sweden's Welsh Terrier specialty. He is active in the Welsh Terrier Club of America (treasurer, president, board member, rescue, judges' education), American Fox Terrier Club (AKC Delegate, show coordinator, board member) and Montgomery County Kennel Club (current president).

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