Judge's Background & History

Mr. Joe Tacker
Home: Monterey, CA

I was raised with hunting dogs. Became interested in show dogs when Marilyn and I married in 1950. I judged my first official AKC dog show in 1958. Approved for All Breeds in 1991. Have judged over 1500 shows including Westminster 8 times. Have judged in 82 states, provinces and countries and on every continent except Africa and Antarcta. We have owned, bred and shown many different breeds. We have competed in Agility and Obedience. Marilyn is a certified teacher and birder. I have played the tuba since grammer school, play in 3 different groups and teach low brass and woodwinds in a small private school. I'm a retired Naval Officer, retired Hawaiian Airlines Captain and a member and Past President of the Toastmasters Club at the Naval Postgraduate School.
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