Judge's Background & History |
She is licensed to judge the Working Group and has judged these breeds in Germany, Scandinavia, Europe, Australia, Asia and South America. She has been elected four times by the membership of the Doberman Pinscher Club of America to judge the National Specialty.
Her club activities include serving on the Board of Directors of the Doberman Pinscher Club of America, President of an all breed club, President of the Pilgrim Doberman Pinscher Club, and is presently on the Board of the DPCA and Pilgrim Doberman Pinscher Club. She is a founding member of the United Doberman Club.
Dr. Jacobson received her Doctorate degree in Biochemistry and is a medical staff member In the Department of Hematology at Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston.
She has numerous publications in the field of Hematology.